
I am back from getting groceries.   Today is not turning out how it was suppose to at all.   Hubby and I were gonna go see Erik, but now I won’t be able to go.  Tommy seems to have pink eye and is contagious of course.  So I won’t be going to the New Years party either.  My headache is just starting to hurt again so I will try and take some more tylenol.   Thanks for all the comments.  I think it might be migraines as well.  I was in a car accident 3 years ago where I rolled my SUV and have gotten headaches ever since.  

Today I hope to work on taming the paper tiger in my dining room.  I have a ton of stuff to get organized and filed. 

I did go to Aldi and  bought groceries for the week.  I bought a few special treats for tonight since we will now be staying home.  I also got the stuff for the food we were taking to the neighbors.  Hubby is going to take the stuff over there and visit for a bit while I stay with Tommy.  



MONDAY – Mexican Meatball Soup (crockpot 5 to 7 hrs) and Cornbread     ** GOOD, A Keeper!** 

TUESDAY – Panko Chicken, Salad, Veggie and Fruit  **Family Fav**

WEDNESDAY – Hamburgers, Cole Slaw and Fries ** Premade and Frozen Hamburger**  Wish I could find recipe **FOUND IT!!**

Hamburger Patties

Using raw meat, I added some onion powder, garlic powder and some seasoning salt, or sometimes I put in a half packet of onion soup mix for each pound of hamburger. I use rubber gloves to handle the hamburger (I hate trying to get that stuff off of my hands!) Anyhow, I made about 40 patties from six pounds of hamburger. I stacked them between waxed paper and froze on a cookie sheet. After freezing, put in a Ziploc bag.

THURSDAY – Mother’s Ham Casserole (from my new TOH cookbook for Josh) – I had to work late so didn’t make – Josh made frozen Pizza.

FRIDAY – Meat & Cheese Tray to Make your own Sandwich/ Chips and Dip – This worked great for movie night!!

SATURDAY – Versatile Slow Cooker Chili (Crockpot 6 hrs) from the cookbook hubby got me for Christmas!


I am off to get the house cleaned up and do some laundry!  Later!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Hugs (())

    Just stopping by and keeping you in my thoughts. Migraines are very painful and stopped me in my tracks many times. Hoping you get some relief soon.

    Hoping Tommy’s pink eye gets better. We have had pink eye so many times here, seems like one gets it everyone else does.

    Very nice menu this week, and good job for making one. I have to admit 🙁 I sometimes am on and have a menu, and then I get off track. Maybe one of my goal’s this year is to stop procrastanating and stick with things when I start them. Sometimes when I read all of your blogs I look at how on track everyone seems to be.

    Well I need to get with this!

    Take care and have a great day!


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