To Everything There is a Season

I am hoping starting tomorrow things will be closer to normal and back to routine.   Last night my SIL called to remind us that her daycare was closed today.  ARGH…I forgot about that and had planned on being at work today.  I remember her telling me about this, but I jsut forgot to write it down.  So I was home with Tommy today.   We just stayed around home and did laundry.  I am the closest I have been to caught up with laundry in a long time….

I worked on going through some more paperwork.   I went through the secretary and have another bag of burn stuff.   I am sorting everything to go into binders.   I have a household binder, cooking binder, Erik, Josh, Tommy and a binder for my MIL’s paperwork.  I also ordered a filing cabinet to put in the dining room so we will actually have a place to put files.  That I am sure will help alot with the paper piles!   Actually the dining room table cleared!!

I have to share a funny thing.  In purchasing a few new things for my kitchen I also bought a bowl that matches my canisters.  I am using it as a fruit bowl.   I can’t believe how much fruit the kids are eating since it is out and on the counter.   I wish I would have done that ages ago!!

I finished another book last night….

Leave it to Claire – Tracey Bateman – 4/5

Interesting Website to Check out this Week:

Home and Family Ezine


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To Everything There is a Season

I am hoping starting tomorrow things will be closer to normal and back to routine.   Last night my SIL called to remind us that her daycare was closed today.  ARGH…I forgot about that and had planned on being at work today.  I remember her telling me about this, but I jsut forgot to write it down.  So I was home with Tommy today.   We just stayed around home and did laundry.  I am the closest I have been to caught up with laundry in a long time….

I worked on going through some more paperwork.   I went through the secretary and have another bag of burn stuff.   I am sorting everything to go into binders.   I have a household binder, cooking binder, Erik, Josh, Tommy and a binder for my MIL’s paperwork.  I also ordered a filing cabinet to put in the dining room so we will actually have a place to put files.  That I am sure will help alot with the paper piles!   Actually the dining room table cleared!!

I have to share a funny thing.  In purchasing a few new things for my kitchen I also bought a bowl that matches my canisters.  I am using it as a fruit bowl.   I can’t believe how much fruit the kids are eating since it is out and on the counter.   I wish I would have done that ages ago!!

I finished another book last night….

Leave it to Claire – Tracey Bateman – 4/5

Interesting Website to Check out this Week:

Home and Family Ezine


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