Good Morning – So much I want to blog about, but just can’t get my thoughts in a organized fashion.   I am in the organizing mood of course.  I rarely shop, but love to shop in January at clearance sales to fill up my gift tub and for home items.   I need to run a few errands this morning and then I will work on my projects for the day.   I plan on doing laundry all day and working on going through all the paperwork in the Dining room and organizing it!    It is a never ending battle for me to keep up with the records and paperwork that comes into this house.   I have not been very good this last year of keeping up with it all.  Hubby was thinking that a file cabinet in the dining room would be helpful and I am finally agreeing.   I think I will look for one! 

I did go to Kohl’s and found a few things that I wanted to update my kitchen.   I live in an older house and I have very little counter space.  I have always wanted to have a canister set for flour, etc,  but I have never been able to come up with an idea for that.   I finally did and I love my new canister set that I got for 70% off.  Do you want to see pics???  Of course you do!!!

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BEFORE: Everyone just piled up anything they didn’t want to put away on the microwave.  It was always messy.

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AFTER:  I bought this little expandable shelf at Target and bought the canister set on clearance at Kohls.  I really like them.   We have so little counter space!   But I always wanted a canister set which would be more convenient for cooking.

Mom's 001

BEFORE:  Not much changed in the this area.  I am hoping hubby will buy me a new butcher block knife set for my birthday!  We did remove the paper towel hanger that was affixed above the toaster on the bottom of the cupboard. 

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AFTER:  I bought the matching utensil holder to the canisters and  a spoon rest that was smaller.  We also bought a new toaster on clearance as the old one the button to control the darkness of the bread no longer worked and was stuck in too dark!  Over by the sink you will see I also bought a matching little bowl that I use to put the scrubbing pad and things in to have the counter look better.

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BEFORE:  This area did not change much.  I bought that little thing that sticks to the wall to put the washing wand in and the little matching bowl is new.   I would like to find one of those over the counter sink shelves and then I will buy a set of herbs to plant and put on the shelf.   We will see on that one.  But that is what I would like to do!

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AFTER:   This is the last area of my counter.  The paper towels are on the counter on a holder now.  I also bought a new folding dish drainer that can be put under the sink when not in use.  As you can see the book shelf in the background still needs some decluttering as does the top of the fridge. 

I am going to take the little bowl from the sink with today to Joann’s and look for some fabric to match as I will be sewing new curtains when I am taking a week off in January.   The hancock fabric site hd some great patters for aprons, hot pads and hanging towel that I want to match the kitchen as well.  

January is definitely my time too work around the house.  Will you join me???   Share you before and after pictures and inspire us all!!  Which room will you start with??

Today I will be focusing on my dining room so before and after pics will follow later today!!   Have a Great day!!

Some Up Coming Blog Topics:
New Years Resolutions Revisited
Budgeting 101
Frugal Ideas to Implement
Kitchen Make Over
The Binder Queen Speaks
Sewing Projects
Homemade Cleaners

0 thoughts on “

  1. Great job!  The canister set & other things that go with it are beautiful & match so good.  It makes it all seem new, doesn’t it?

    My kitchen needs some organization therapy! 

    Have a great day! 

  2. I love your cannister set! I need a set too but havent come across some that I really just gotta have yet ya know?

    I have got to get in an organizing mood… there is soooooooo much in my house that needs it! LOL

    Have a good day…. Im on my third straight day of laundry here…

  3. Great pics!  I too have little counter space and it’s always a challenge in organizing.  Maybe I’ll take some pics next week.  Looking forward to the upcoming blog topics.  Have a great weekend!  ~Jen

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