The Flexible Don’t Break……

Sometimes I just don’t think…..every weekend I get so behind because I want to run errands in the morning and get everything out of the way.  Hubby wants to go along, but doesn’t get out of bed until 11:00 or so….ws driving me nuts.  So I decided to do all my cleaning and chores in the morning and we can run the errands in the afternoon.  Not my favorite way to do things, but time to be more flexible.  

So this morning I am going to shower and dress and tackle mopping floors, laundry and cleaning.  Last night was a very nice evening.  It was family movie night.   Josh stayed home.  He had two friends over and we all had food and watched a movie (the Wild) together.  I made homemade pizza, wings and salad.  It was a nice time and then I headed to bed. 

Well off to start my day!!  Have a great one!

3 thoughts on “The Flexible Don’t Break……

  1. I wish I was a morning person. I don’t sleep
    at night so when I do go to sleep. I have a
    hard time getting up early. (i do when it is
    a must)LOL  I know I could get so much
    more done if I was up and going earlier.
    Ray my husband is up before the sun. So
    he can understand what you go thru.

    Have a great day


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