Hello…..it seems I never have anytime to post anymore.   I try to read here and there, but life is crazy.   

Josh – Has been great.  He went to South Dakota for the first time to visit his grandparents.  He took Amy with him.   He had a good time and his grandparents were so happy to see him.  He went to his grandma’s grave and took flowers as well.   He is still working two jobs and going to college.   I think he is doing very well.    Josh has been painting his room and redecorating it.  It really looks nice.   I need to find time to help him finish.  He helps me so very much so I need to help him finish. 

Erik –  got into some trouble and is struggling.   I wish I could say he has learned his lesson, but he seems to be right back to the undesired behaviors.   It is heartbreaking to say the least.  I have been home from work watching Erik this week as there is no school. 

Tommy – My baby will be 5 next week.   It is hard to believe, time has gone so quickly.    We gave him his gifts early since it was nice out.  We gave him a John Deere car you drive and a hand-held V-smile educational game.  He is doing great.  He goes to preschool three days a week and stays with his auntie the rest of the time.  Next year he will start kindergarten.  He has been going to the nursing home alot with his auntie as we try to take care of Grandma.

Grandma –  (hubby’s Mom) is in a nursing home in Stillwater.  I just took her to the orthopedic surgeon appointment on Friday and she can now start bearing weight on her legs and hopefully will be abel to walk soon.  I just got her approved for Medical Assistance and need to finish up getting their finances figured out soon.  We have an appointment with a credit counseling place next week.   Today I need to go over to my FIL’s and pay the monthly bills and maybe give him money for groceries if I have some left afer I pay our bills today.  

Hubby – He is very busy with work and a bit stressed.   Out TV broke….our second one in a year.  ARGH!!  So we bought a LCD flat screeen.   Hubby is a very happy boy!    So last night we watched a movie together.  We bought Over The Hedge when we bought the TV.   It was a good movie!  The only movies we ever buy are kids ones as we will watch those more than once.   We rented CLICK the other day and that was a pretty good movie!  


Certainly life is crazy busy….I hardly know if I am coming or going.   I work many hours and am way behind in work since I have had to take so much time off.   It is so incredibly overwhelming.   Amazingly my asthma has been under pretty good control considering the stress I am under.   I did get bit by a spider or something and got a nasty infection on my arm that was spreading to my lymps nodes.  I am on antibiotics and it is starting to get better but is pretty red still.   I quit going to weight watchers since I couldn’t afford it any longer.   My goal weight was 141 when I was going there and I hadn’t met it, I was close.  At the Dr the other day I weighted 132 pounds.  YEAH!!   I still hope to loose a few more pounds.  All my clothes are pretty baggy, so I might have to buy some new ones.    

My attorney for my car accident a few years ago called and we are moving on with my law suit.  He wants me to look into a procedure where they severe the nerve that is causing the pain.   I am not too sure about that.  It would be amazing to not be in pain every day, but it sounds scary to me.  

I have a few recipes to share and update my website.  My son reformatted my laptop and isn’t done with it yet so I dont’ have access to everything I want yet.   I try to add my recipes and books read to my blog so I remember to go back and add them to my site later.  

Next weekend we are going to Alexandria Mn.   I have to work all day on Saturday and attend a conference on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.   We are developing a new FAS group home and hope to have it up and running shortly after the new year.   Hubby and Tommy will hang out at the hotel while I am at the conference.   I am up on Duluth again in December and will stay the night there.  I sure have been traveling alot for work lately, but am getting better about that.   I used to just hate it!!  Now the time alone is a sanity improver!  


The Space Between Us – Thrity Umrigar –  Very good so far.  About two women in Modern Day India.  One rich and one very poor.   I always find it facinating to read about other cultures. 

The Historian – Elizabeth Kostova – Interesting – In this smart retelling of the Dracula story, a young girl’s discovery of a mysterious book, blank save for a sinister woodcut of a dragon, impels her father to divulge, reluctantly, details of his vampire-hunting days back in grad school. Halfway through his tale, which is told over several sessions in various atmospheric European locations, he vanishes. His daughter’s quest to find him is interwoven with letters that reveal the past in full. Kostova’s knowledge of occult arcana is impressive, and she packages her erudition in a graceful narrative that only occasionally lapses into melodrama. – I am listening to this one on CD, but I would recommend reading it as the interwoven story lines are hard to keep straight and I have found myself wanting to reread a passage many times. 

I have so many great books from the library right now.  I would love to curl up in bed for a few weeks and read, read, read…  I should be able to read a lot next weekend when we go out of town.   I have also been getting many great books from www.paperbackswap.com.   What a great site!!!


I have much to do today and I might need to go into the office and work a few hours as well.  



0 thoughts on “

  1. I loved The Space Between Us, but it was a bit discouraging.  To think that people actually live like that now (and they do) was just beyond my ability to cope.

    I hope you’re feeling better soon!

  2. your life is much too busy 😛

    As for your back – my husband’s doctor just recommended an epidural treatment. It would be three visits to have the back numbed and its supposed to help. I guess the doc’s mom and sis had the procedure and their back is so much better. I haven’t read up on it yet, though.

  3. Thanks for posting this update on everyone! Hope dh’s mom is feeling better, it must be hard to take care of your own family and an ailing parent as well. I am sorry that Erik is still making bad choices (we have a similar situation, smaller scale, of course, with EJ), you are such a good parent for sticking by him and trying all the techniques that you DO with him, GL GL GL on that front. Tommy is FIVE! AAAHHHH! Our little guys are growing up! EJ will start K in some fashion next year as well! How cool that Josh is growing into such an independent young man, nice to hear. And YOU, well, I would say slow down, but I think that would fall on deaf ears, lol! Glad the asthma is under control, a miracle with all you have going on, and I am sorry your back is STILL giving you trouble after all this time. Hang in there…


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