If God took you to it, He’ll get you through it.

Breathe….Breathe…..It has been a whirlwind of a week. 

TUESDAY – First day of school seemed to go ok for Erik.  We had a care conference in the morning at the hospital to plan my MIL’s discharge to the tranisitional care center.   I then worked until about 4:00 and then went with hubby to an appointment.   We got home late and took the kids to eat at Subway.   I was exhausted. 

WEDNESDAY – Tommy had his first day of school.  I didn’t get a picture…bad mommy!    After dropping him off at preschool I stopped by the hospital to see my MIL.  She was being discharged at 1:00.  I helped her pack up her belongs and get ready.  I went to work and on the way home I stopped at the Transitional Care Center (Good Samaratin) and saw my MIL.  She was still in her hospital gown so we made a list of clothes she needed and I went back to their apartment to get her things.   Then Hubby and I went to drop off her clothes and get everything unpacked for her.    Then we had to race home for confirmation orientation at church.    Hubby and I also signed up for a parenting Teens class at church.   It will run for 4 weeks only, but should be nice. 

THURSDAY –  I woke up feeling terrible, combination of PMS and sinuses!  I was sitting at my computer typing and Josh came upstairs in tears.   His grandma (my ex hubby’s mother)  died, Wednesday night.   She had lung cancer and wasn’t able to get strong enough to have chemo.   It was incredibly difficult to see Josh in such pain.  In addition Josh’s grandfather also was hospitalized for heart problems as the death of his wife was a huge strain/stress on him.  He should be getting out of the hospital soon.  So Josh and I are heading back to South Dakota this weekend so he can be with his Dad and we will be attending the funeral.   I will probably be spending a fair amount of time in the hotel getting caught up on some work.  

I then took Tommy to daycare and then came home for a few minutes and updated the checkbook.   Then I had to take Erik to his psychiaitrist appointment.   The Dr added another medication to assist with homework concentration in the evening so hopefully that helps.    I layed down for a bit and rested.  Josh came in and woke me up.  He said…”get out of Bed, your new bed is here!”   So he put together our new Select Comfort matteress. 

After Hubby came home with Erik from another appointment we ordered pizza.    I did dishes and a bit of laundry and went to bed.  

FRIDAY – I dropped Tommy off at preschool.   I am going to stop off and see my MIL and then head to work for a couple of hours.  I will pick up my laptop and some work to do over the weekend, when in South Dakota.   Then I have to get things organized around the house as I will be out of town until late Tuesday.  Hubby will be home taking care of Erik and Tommy.  Tommy is very upset he isn’t going with me, but he didn’t know Josh’s grandma and I really don’t want him at a funeral of someone he doesn’t know.   I’m off……

Have a great day!!!

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