So Glad It Is Friday…..

YEAH..FRIDAY!!!  I have to work all day today as I have to go out on an crisis call thsi afternoon.   I jsut found out they did find an interpreter for me so that will make life nicer!  Then it is home to let the weekend begin!  

This morning my oldest son left for his mission trip to Challis Maine.   He came in and gave me a hug before he left.  Hubby was a great guy and took Josh to the church to get on the bus!   I had my pre-op physical at 8:20 this morning and am all ready for surgery on the 23rd now.  ARGH!!  After my physical I went home to let the puppy out.  Our neighbor Charlie is taking care of the puppy this week for us while Josh is gone.  

Tomorrow we are going to Charlie’s Graduation Open House!   Should be fun!  


  • Laundry

  • Get everyone’s shorts out

  • Puppy to Dr

  • Grad Party

  • Order food for our grad party

  • Spend time with hubby

  • Plant my Daisies

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