
Hello everyone!!   Thanks for all the lovely comments about Josh’s graduation.  Very nice!  To answer a few of your questions, Josh will be attending a community college for the next two years and living at home.  Then he will be transferring to the University of MN to complete his 4 year degree.    His graduation Open House will beon July 8th.  So I have a bit of time to get things ready.  

I am very busy at work for the next two weeks.  Then from the 23rd on I will be taking time off.  I decided to have my kidney surgery before the Open House Party so I hope to schedule it sometime during the week of June 26th.  I will be off  from the 26th until the 11th of July.   During that time I hope to have surgery and get ready and have Josh’s graduation party.   Should be a busy two weeks!

I am not making as much food as I had planned for Josh’s party as I am unsure what I will be able to do or how I will feel following the surgery.   I confirmed the rental of tables and chairs and the canopy.  SO that is all ready to go.  


Potato Salad (purchased)
Greek Pasta Salad (I am Making)
Wrap Tray (purchased)
Chicken Salad and Crossiants (donated by neighbor)
Veggie Tray (donated by neighbor)
Cookies/Bars (purchasing)
Cake (purchasing)


I have sent out 57 invites so far.  I have a few more to send yet.  I expect somewhere between 100 and 150 people to stop by. 

The last big project I have to do is the CD of Josh’s life.  I need to scan a million of pics yet!!!  I hope to do alot of that this weekend!  

I am done with my lunch….gotta get back to work!   Later!

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