My parents were visitng still on Saturday.  Mom and I spent the day running errands.  We got Josh’s Open House Invitations printed,  looked for envelopes and bought Tommyu new shoes!   We grilled out for supper and ate pretty late.   We have been without a TV for a few days as ours stopped working.   Hubby, Josh and my Dad went out shopping for one.  They came home with surround sound and a DVD recorder, but no TV.  LOL!!!   I wasn’t feel the greatest on Saturday night so everyone stayed up late to watch movie and I went to bed!


I didn’t feel great so I crashed on the couch a bit.  I made some lunch and then my mom and I went to buy some plants for my vegetable garden.  My mom, Tommy, Nick and I planted the garden.  My parents then headed home.  I didn’t do much the rest of the evening.     Hubby went to pick up Erik.  He came home and was hungry so I made him supper.   Then headed to bed.


I got to sleep in a bit this morning.   I had a urologist appointment at 10:00.   I found out my kidney stone is too big to pass so I will need to have a procedure done soon.  I told the Dr I would like to wait until next month so I hope the stone cooperates with that.  I will be off work for about a week to recooperate.  I am so not happy about this.  

I mailed off 55 invites so far for Josh’s open house.  I still have a few to mail.   I think I almost have the details of the food figured out.  I am only going to make the pasta salad.  My neighbor is dontating chicken salad.  My neice works at a bakery so I am going to try and get a cake, bars and cookies through her.  I am calling the grocery store to see if I can order a bunch of Josh’s favorite potato salad.  And Kowalski’s has a great wrap tray that I am going to order a few of!   The less I have to do the better!! 

Well I have alot of work to do so I better scoot.  Later!!!

2 thoughts on “WEEKEND UPDATE…………….

  1. Sounds like you had a busy weekend. Sorry to hear the stone didn’t pass and hope you are feeling better soon. When is the graduation party for your son?  Hope it all works out well.  Have a blessed day! 🙂

  2. Sounds like you had a busy weekend. Sorry to hear the stone didn’t pass and hope you are feeling better soon. When is the graduation party for your son?  Hope it all works out well.  Have a blessed day! 🙂

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