4 thoughts on “Pictures…

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, TOMMY!!!!!!!!! Ostara, he is such a big boy, when did this happen?!?!?! I remember when we both had just had our little guys (I joined Xanga when EJ was about a month old, I think, Nov 2001)…now Preschool Graduation!?!?! Wow.

    Glad you are back from your trip, I have to go back and read, I’ve been out of the loop again, as usual…

    Thanks for your comment! Oh, and our neurodevelopmental ped gave us a letter we can use to get the card you are referring to. EJ can’t WAIT to go. He says, “I don’t want to go in July, I want to go in June! June 4!”, lol. So thanks for the tip, we’ll bring the letter and hope we won’t have to use it

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