Where has this week gone???  Argh!!!

MONDAY – We really relaxed most of the day!  Josh and I watched movies and played with the puppy.  

TUESDAY – Before the graduation ceremony I had to take our new puppy Teddy to the vet again as he wasn’t getting better yet.  He is taking a second antibiotic now so hopefully he will begin to feel better.  I took the morning off to attend Tommy’s Graduation Ceremony from Preschool.   Too Cute….pictures to follow of course!   Daddy didn’t make it to the ceremony until it was almost done.   When Tommy got done he felt warm and said he didn’t feel well.  Josh was already home not feeling well.   So I stayed home with the two of them until about 1:00 and then I had to get to work to a meeting.   Josh and Tommy just spent the day watching movies and resting on the couches.  

Erik, Josh and I went to Pet Smart in the evening and took Teddy with us.  The boys love the attention they get with such a cute puppy. (from girls of course!)  LOL!!   We signed up for Puppy Kindergarten.  The three of us will be taking the class together for 8 weeks this summer.  We will learn simple command and training with Teddy.   Both Josh and Erik are excited.   Teddy I think will be especially good for Erik.  He sort of comes and goes with his involvement with this friends.  He has been enjoying watching TV with the puppy and taking him outside.  He likes to play toys with him too.  I think it is a great companion for Erik.  I am happy about that.   He is looking forward to teaching Teddy tricks…LOL!!

WEDNESDAY – I had the day off as I had a couple of Dr Appointments.   All went fine and it was nice to be home.  My SIL called and said Tommy felt very warm again after his nap so we picked him up and I made an appointment with Urgent Care.   Hubby went over to his sister’s for a BBQ and to visit with his brother who is here from the state of Virginia.   I took Tommy to Urgent Care.  He has strep throat and is on antibiotic. 

Erik went with his mother to the circus and didn’t get home until late.  I stayed home all evening and Josh and Amy also went over to Bonnies for the BBQ when I got back from picking up Tommy’s meds.  I did laundry and washed dishes until Erik got home and then we all headed to bed.   I had the puppy in my room again since Josh has a hard time taking him out in the middle of the night.   I had to take him out at 1:00am and 5:00am for potty.  

THURSDAY – Tommy needed to stay home since he had strep and was contagious.  I had to have hubby stay home with him since the new Social Worker was starting on Thursday and I am do the mentoring and some training of the worker.   I had to make the Resource and Information binders yet too.   So plenty to do, plus my regular job as well. 

I didn’t stay at work too late since I was pretty tired.  I went home and Josh, Erik, Tommy, Charlie and I sat on my bed in our room and watched “So you think you can Dance?” with the puppy.   I don’t think I will watch it again.  Then hubby came in and said a neighbor called and wanted us to bring over the puppy for her to see.  So we visited with Sherry for a while.  

Charlie wanted me to order something on Ebay for him and then I got everyone ready for bed.   Teddy did great last night.  I put the carrier on our bed and he went right in and laid down and went to sleep.  He slept through the night until about 5:00.  YEAH!!!

FRIDAY – I let Tommy sleep in this morning since he wasn’t feeling very well.  I dropped him off at daycare and now I am at work quickly having lunch before my first appointment comes to the office. 

Housebreaking of Teddy is going pretty good.  We are crate training him and that really works well!   We didn’t do that with Simpson.  I wish we had.  It is going much better and we don’t have to worry about him chewing up things when we aren’t home or sleeping.  He is only crate at night and from about 8:30 to 1:00 until Josh gets home from school.  He doesn’t cry at night when he is crated, but will during the day when he sees me leave.  But we had no accidents today or through the night!  He hasn’t gone in his crate, which is good and his cough is starting to improve and he has more energy now.  He even started to bark.  LOL!!   It is way cute!  

Got to get ready for my meeting….sorry I haven’t had the time to make it to and comment on your blogs. I am reading some, but summer time I find it hard to blog.  We spend alot of time outside and stuff!  Have a great weekend!!!!!!!  I hope to share more pics soon!

0 thoughts on “FRIDAY?????

  1. Whew, busy week!  I had to laugh at the guys picking up chicks with the puppies.  My husband says that it’s the same with babies, if you’re out alone with them…yikes!

    I hope Tommy feels better soon and y’all don’t get sick.

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