The Weekend is Here……….

Today is our wedding anniversary!   Tonight Josh is going to watch Tommy for us so we can go out and see a movie and go for a walk or something.   It will be nice to just spend some time together without all the children.  We have been married for 6 years today.   It doesn’t feel like that long at all….time has been going so quickly.  

Last night I spent some time paying bills and working on our budget and balancing the checkbook.   Fun,, Fun…Fun….  I was going to do my menu and shopping list as well, but went ot bed instead.  

This morning I will be cleaning up the common areas and getting ready to get groceries and make my menu.  

I hope to plant my garden soon.  Josh and Charlie turned about 1/2 of the soil so it should be ready soon.  They are such good boys! 

Well I am off to shower and get some things done around here.   Have a great weekend!!

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