My Day Off……

Today I am not going into work, but you know what that means….I am busy, busy!!   Tommy is at preschool right now so I will do some laundry and hopefully get to my shopping list/menu.

The Rest of My Day:

11:25 – Pick Up Tommy at School
11:30 – Pick Up Erik at School
11:45 – Drop Tom off at Daycare
12:00 or so – Erik to Psychiatrist Appt.
After Psych appointment hope to take Erik to pick up his glasses in St Paul. 
3:30 – Erik to Counseling Appointment
5:00 – Pick up Kristen and Tommy from Daycare
5:30 – Hubby Picks up Nick from OT
I will Make Supper
Hopefully get Groceries
Collapse into Bed!!!!!!!!

Whew….I will be happy to get back to work!!!   My week at work isn’t too bad since I am in interviews all day on Thursday.  But I do have a late meeting on Thursday night at 6:00.  ARgh!!!!   

Life is crazy……..I need a vacation again already and we haven’t even gotten started on the planning for Josh’s graduation open house.  Some weekend here I need to finish painting my living room. 

Later….I am off and running…….

3 thoughts on “My Day Off……

  1. Hey crazy, busy woman.  Let me know how the interviews go!  Good luck.  I hope there are some great candidates.  Keep me informed PLEASE!  Have a great day!

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