I am so tired I can barely write this.   WOW!!  Busy, busy day as always…the usual chaos.    Slept in a bit and took Tommy to preschool.   Got to preschool and found out there was a field trip today and he needed a lunch.   Left Tommy there and ran home and made a lunch in record time.   He went to the zoo for his trip.  

Once Tommy was at school, I came home and got the older two boys up and moving.  They both had eye exams today.    They both got their eyes checked and Erik needs glasses.   Josh had a reaction to the eye drops and nearly fainted.   I guess that was a bit of an ordeal, but I will in the exam room with Erik when it happened.   He was ok after a bit.    Erik picked out his own glasses.   Since I had Josh with me, he helped me pick out some new frames for myself as well.  

Then it was home to pick up Tommy from his field trip and take him to daycare.  I sure spent alot of today carting around kids.  

I got a call from Health Partners today.  They want me to see a urologist about the kidney stone they discovered.  Yeah……NOT!!    They want to run one more test too…..give me a break already.     I got that appointment scheduled and went off to my Dr appointment to see my primary and check in with her.   She wants to see me back in a month….yadda, yadda.  

Then I came home and took a 30 minute nap before going to book group!!  I love book group!!    We chatted and laughed and even talked about the book.   Connie J announced she will be retiring soon so there will be another opening in the kids unit.   But she doesn’t want anyone to know yet.   Well at least she will have more time to read books I guess.  

One thought on “THURSDAY….

  1. I don’t know what’s up with my book club.  Maybe after the last Bush-bashing meeting they decided not to even tell me when the meetings were.  Fine with me, didn’t wanna go anyway.  Sniff.

    Ah, Jen, Jen.  I wish you felt better!!!

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