Hey everyone…..the weekend is here!!  YEAH!!  I am just finishing up my day at work and getting ready to head home.   Life has been extremely busy! 

WEDNESDAY – I did not work on Wednesday, but still was able to get 40 hours in for the week.  Go figure!   Wednesday I took care of some things around the house.community.  I finally got my back x-ray done.  I will see in a while if I indeed have a fractured back, which will change the treatment for my osteoporosis.  I also took my van to get the oil changed.  Luckily they said everything looks great!  YEAH!   I also went to Sam’s  and got groceries.  Groceries went well,  I bought for over a weeks worth of meals and only spent $55.00.  That was really good.   I will not get groceries now until next week Sat or Sunday.   I normally do it on Wed, but Tommy has a birthday party to go to instead.     

Erik exhibited some poor choices and behavior at school so most of Wednesday night was spent talking about that.  Never a dull moment on that front!  

THURSDAY – got an email from the school detailing more behaviors regarding Erik that we weren’t aware of.  Hmmm…..that boy is sure losing out on alot of stuff by doing this.  It really is too bad.  We had a huge meeting at work Thursday morning regarding a $1 million dollar billing discrepancy with the state.  We have to fix the errors in documentation practices for the last 5 years.  This is a HUGE project.  Oh my……What a stressful meeting!   I will be working alot of extra hours on this project.  We must have everything corrected by April 15th…but I am going on vacation the end of March..sorry!  

After the meeting we were all stressed and went out to a lovely lunch at Ziggy’s.  Just what the Dr Ordered!   Then I was back at the office to work until the presentation I had to participate in.  The presentation went ok…I spoke WAY WAY too fast as they didn’t set the timer for me and when I looked down it said 0 so I went…Drats…I better hurry up!  OOPS!!

FRIDAY –  Well right now I am still at work.  I just finished up working with my sup and co-worker on some language to make our documentation easier.   It was a great relief to have some of that done!   Erik was suppose to go to an event at church tonight, but hubby said he couldn’t.  I have really been staying out of hubby’s discipline of Erik.  I refer all decisions to my hubby.  Granted I might not agree with all his decisions, but I abide by them all the same.  

WEEKEND – nothing much planned for the weekend.  I will be going to a cooking session at church on Sunday, but that is all that is planned.   I really need to get caught up on laundry.  

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