Back Again…..

Just got back to the office from my 3:30 meeting.  YIkes…that was a bit of a long meeting.  It was a pretty good meeting.  I am now waiting for my WW meal to cook and then I will eat a bit and get some paperwork done.   I did got a chance to stop at Radio Shake before getting to the office.  I got a splitter so both Tommy and I can have a separate pair of headphones on my MP3 Player.  We will have to try that out tonight when I get home. 

I just called home and checked in with hubby.   He is trying to get supper on the table for all 6 kids…LOL!!  I am sure Tuesday nights is not his favorite night for me to work late.  LOL!  We have his sisters kids on Tuesdays too.  Well I should say he does!  By the time I get home they will be gone. 

I am off to get my supper and eat.  Have a great evening!  I am sure I will check in again before heading home.  IT is so very very quiet here…I think I am the only social worker on the floor tonight.  Oh well…..that is usually the case!

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