I was tagged by boclark…….

Four Jobs I’ve Had:

* grocery store clerk – Worked at RedOwl for 6 years
* Direct Care Staff at State Hospital
* Weekend Coordinator at Group Home 
* Developmental Disabilities Social Worker

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:

* Plain Truth
* Grease
* Jesus Christ Superstar
* Lion King

Four Places I’ve Lived:

* Redfield, SD
* Moorhead, MN
* Buffalo, MN
* Twin Cities, MN

Four Shows I Like To Watch:

* 30-Minutes Meal – Rachael Ray
*  Clean Sweep
* Judging Amy

Four Foods That I Like:

* Anything Chocolate
* Guacamole
*  Crab/Lobster
* Alfredo Pasta

Four Sites I Visit Everyday:

* xanga
* YahooMail
* Wellsfargo.com
* my work email

Four places I’d rather be right now:

* anywhere alone with my wonderful hubby
* Curled up with a book…reading the day away
* visiting with friends
* browsing in a bookstore with an unlimited budget!

Four Goals for this Year:
* Reach my goal weight
* Concentrate more on relatinship with Hubby
* daily devoations
* take time for me!

Four Places I’ve been on vacation:

* Sanibel Island, Florida
* Black Hills, SD
* Orlando, FLorida
* San Fransico, CA

Four Things I Want To Do Before I Die:

* write a book 
*  work as a professional organizer/ put on workshops
*  see my children all stable, married and happy!
*  travel with hubby

Four People I’m Tagging:




MsCaffiene Addict


3 thoughts on “

  1. that was cute! i am glad i can visit now. last week i tried to come on here and it wouldn’t let me get on.

    yesterday my kids and i did our weekly home blessing. it was so fun! we had a great time. thank you so much for turning me on to flylady! it’s awesome!

    have a great week!

  2. that was cute! i am glad i can visit now. last week i tried to come on here and it wouldn’t let me get on.

    yesterday my kids and i did our weekly home blessing. it was so fun! we had a great time. thank you so much for turning me on to flylady! it’s awesome!

    have a great week!

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