I never left the house…..boy that felt great!!   I got up early and instead of walking I went back to bed around 8;30 and slept a bit more.   That was what I really needed.   I will go to the mall and walk today for sure after I drop Tommy off at preschool.  

Not much planned for today.  I am working from home today on ISP reports.   I need to get a minimum of 3 done today!    I will do laundry while I write the reports as well.   So fun, fun…fun……



  • Call Community Ed (scrapbooking class)  – DONE
  • Return call to Dr Funk’s nurse  -DONE
  • Call HP about new medication approval – DONE


  • Laundry -5 Loads Done
  • Grocery List  -DONE
  • Mall Walk – DONE – 3 miles
  • Book onto MP3 Player – 1 Done
  • Read Bible – DONE
  • Delete 60 emails – 20 Done


  • Check work email – DONE
  • Check Voice Mail
  • 3 ISP reports – 3 DONE


It is my birthday and I really don’t have too much planned.  I do have to have a  DEXA Scan done to screen for osteoporosis.   This was ordered by the endocrinologist I saw I think it was last week.  I may have to begin some bone building medication if I have the beginning of osteoporosis.  This of course would also be caused by taking predisone.  

Off to start my day!  Hope you have a great one!

3 thoughts on “

  1. Yay for extra sleep!

    Where are you going while in Orlando? If you’re renting a car, FL has some tolls, so be prepared.

    Let me know your plans and I can think of things to supplement it with. I used to live in FL for a few years and that’s where all my ILs are.

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