Hubby, Tommy and I had a great day yesterday.   We got off to a late start and I managed to stay cool about that.   First we headed to the library.   Hubby browsed for a while and Tommy and I played in the kids area.   I read and he played with the puppets. 

Then we headed off to get groceries.  First stop, Aldi, than we went to Cub Food and finally Rainbow.  I went a bit over budget, but they had the 3 pound bags of chicken in sale at Cub for 4.44, I think it was, so I stocked up!    I bought 4 bags and hubby bought 4 bags.  We do eat a lot of chicken generally.  I ran in at Rainbow and both sale items I wanted to get there were sold out so I had to get a raincheck.   I generally spend a lot more on groceries when I take hubby and Tommy with.  Oh well…… 

Then we came home and put everything away.  Josh was just getting up and going to work.  He worked from 2 to 8 on Saturday.   Then we were off again.  We took Tommy to get his haircut and hubby went back to the library to look for Tommy’s Spiderman that he forgot there.  OOOPSS…..

After haircuts we went out to eat at Applebee’s as one of our nephews gave us a gift cert for there for Christmas.   We came home and gave Tommy a bath since he was itchy from the haircut.  

The rest of our evening consisted of playing Tommy’s new game with him, Mr. Mouth.  Daddy won!   Then Tommy wanted to watch his movie from the library so we watched Scooby-Doo in Mommies room and Daddy watch his show in the living room.   I read for a bit during Scooby.  

Josh came home and headed over to Amy’s to play board games with her and her parents after work.  We enjoyed our quiet evening at home relaxing and doing a few load of laundry.   Laundry incident……of course I must not have checked Erik’s pockets and he had chocolate in a pocket which got all over our whites!!  RGH!!  So I put Shout it Out on the entire load.   This morning I go to see if it is gone…..OH NO!!!……everything is GREEN!   Hubby put two new towels, which were green and white, in with the whites and turned everything green!    We are trying to bleach everything today back to white…LOL!!   None of it is really a big deal, but Josh’s shirt from Express that he wears for work.  OOPS…and T-shirts there are so expensive!  But since he works there he has to wear some of their clothes. 


I slept in again….ARGH…..I need to get up well before 7:00, but I guess catching up on some sleep over the weekend is probably a good idea and needed.    Today I plan on working on some more laundry and start on Tommy’s dresser.  I have a few drawers to get through today.   I also want to start my book for book group.  I don’t think I will be able to get it done before we meet.  ARGH!!   It is pretty long with small print! 

I finished my first book of the year on Friday night:   

Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner  – 3/5 – Ok/Avg Read

I am also almost done with:

Life Management for Busy Woman: Living Out God’s Plan with Passion and Purpose by Elizabeth George.  

Then I am on to reading…….

Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble 

This afternoon I am cooking at church with my friends.  So my freezer will be full again with meals for hubby to warm up when I work late on Monday and Tuesdays.  I have to remember he asked that I make some chicken salad for them to have one night when I work late.   I will have to put that on the list for next week.  Tonight we are having Taco Salad, I am so hungry for that!  I haven’t had it in years. 

Not sure if Josh works today or not.  Hubby will go and pick up Erik from his Mom’s and we will be back into our regular routine again.   It was nice to have a low-keyed weekend. 

I am off to update my checkbook and budget after yesterdays shopping.  Have a great day!!!  Then time to get everyone ready for church.   Later!

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Hubby, Tommy and I had a great day yesterday.   We got off to a late start and I managed to stay cool about that.   First we headed to the library.   Hubby browsed for a while and Tommy and I played in the kids area.   I read and he played with the puppets. 

Then we headed off to get groceries.  First stop, Aldi, than we went to Cub Food and finally Rainbow.  I went a bit over budget, but they had the 3 pound bags of chicken in sale at Cub for 4.44, I think it was, so I stocked up!    I bought 4 bags and hubby bought 4 bags.  We do eat a lot of chicken generally.  I ran in at Rainbow and both sale items I wanted to get there were sold out so I had to get a raincheck.   I generally spend a lot more on groceries when I take hubby and Tommy with.  Oh well…… 

Then we came home and put everything away.  Josh was just getting up and going to work.  He worked from 2 to 8 on Saturday.   Then we were off again.  We took Tommy to get his haircut and hubby went back to the library to look for Tommy’s Spiderman that he forgot there.  OOOPSS…..

After haircuts we went out to eat at Applebee’s as one of our nephews gave us a gift cert for there for Christmas.   We came home and gave Tommy a bath since he was itchy from the haircut.  

The rest of our evening consisted of playing Tommy’s new game with him, Mr. Mouth.  Daddy won!   Then Tommy wanted to watch his movie from the library so we watched Scooby-Doo in Mommies room and Daddy watch his show in the living room.   I read for a bit during Scooby.  

Josh came home and headed over to Amy’s to play board games with her and her parents after work.  We enjoyed our quiet evening at home relaxing and doing a few load of laundry.   Laundry incident……of course I must not have checked Erik’s pockets and he had chocolate in a pocket which got all over our whites!!  RGH!!  So I put Shout it Out on the entire load.   This morning I go to see if it is gone…..OH NO!!!……everything is GREEN!   Hubby put two new towels, which were green and white, in with the whites and turned everything green!    We are trying to bleach everything today back to white…LOL!!   None of it is really a big deal, but Josh’s shirt from Express that he wears for work.  OOPS…and T-shirts there are so expensive!  But since he works there he has to wear some of their clothes. 


I slept in again….ARGH…..I need to get up well before 7:00, but I guess catching up on some sleep over the weekend is probably a good idea and needed.    Today I plan on working on some more laundry and start on Tommy’s dresser.  I have a few drawers to get through today.   I also want to start my book for book group.  I don’t think I will be able to get it done before we meet.  ARGH!!   It is pretty long with small print! 

I finished my first book of the year on Friday night:   

Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner  – 3/5 – Ok/Avg Read

I am also almost done with:

Life Management for Busy Woman: Living Out God’s Plan with Passion and Purpose by Elizabeth George.  

Then I am on to reading…….

Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble 

This afternoon I am cooking at church with my friends.  So my freezer will be full again with meals for hubby to warm up when I work late on Monday and Tuesdays.  I have to remember he asked that I make some chicken salad for them to have one night when I work late.   I will have to put that on the list for next week.  Tonight we are having Taco Salad, I am so hungry for that!  I haven’t had it in years. 

Not sure if Josh works today or not.  Hubby will go and pick up Erik from his Mom’s and we will be back into our regular routine again.   It was nice to have a low-keyed weekend. 

I am off to update my checkbook and budget after yesterdays shopping.  Have a great day!!!  Then time to get everyone ready for church.   Later!

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