I am at home and not working and still didn’t find time to blog yesterday.   LOL!   I always seems to be busy.   I like it like that though. 

YESTERDAY – Wednesday

I worked on my mroning routine in the morning.  I need to really get back to doing my morning and bedtime routine ala Flylady.    It is so helpful, but I had fallen off the wagon a while ago.   It is a New Year…so back on the wagon, Jen. 

I dropped Tommy off at daycare and went to the mall to walk again, another 2 miles down.   As I was walking I saw Old Navy put out their clearance sale sign.  Gotta check that out!!    I got some great deals on school clothes for next year and this year.  Erik needed some more clothes since he grew a size since school started.   I think he is cover for this year now very well.   Until he outgrows everything again that is!   LOL!!   There was alot on clearance, but I only bought the shirts that were $1.97 each.  Most were long sleeve t-shirts.   I bought each boy one hoody as they were 9.99.    As for pants I only bought the pants that were under $10.00 a pair.   These items were a great deal.  There was alot of other stuff on clearance too, but it was only marked down 30% and that isn’t enough for me to buy it.  I can wait!  The other stuff will be marked down to these prices soon enough.   I try to stop in Old Navy about once a month to check for clearance and nab $1.97 shirts.    

Then I stopped at Target to stock up on PJ sets since they were 50% off.   I bought each child 2 pairs.  That should get us though another year.   I will stock up on toys at Target in January when they are 75% off.   Right now they are only marked down 30% and that isn’t enough for me to purchase.   I will usually find great deals for Christmas next year for my great nephews and birthdays through out the year at daycare.   My gift totes are almost empty this year after Christmas!

Then it was home and time to pack up and head over to my my in-laws to clean their apartment.   I wasn’t able to afford to rent a rug doctor this month, but we will go clean the carpets in a the next month or so.  My MIL  and FIL both have failing eye site, but MIL is actually blind in one eye I believe and has alot of trouble walking, etc.   So I took both older boys with me and we did some deep cleaning.   Josh was in charge of vacuuming and using our little green machine to try and get a bit of stuff out of the carpet.   It didnt’ do very well, so a rug doctor is definitely needed.   Erik was in change of dusting.  Grammie has alot of knick knacks so that was a task!   He did very well.   He also wiped walls, door knobs and light switches.    I had the task of cleaning out the fridge and cleaning the kitchen.   I also scrubbed the bathroom and both the kitchen and bathroom floors.   So everything is all clean again.   I need to put this on my calendar and try and get over there about every three months to do some cleaning.    Next time I am over there I need to clean the oven as well.   Now I probably could have done this job quicker without Erik helping, but I am really working on thinking of other with him and he needs to do for others as well.   Josh has been going over there with me each time I clean and always helps.  It was time for Erik to start helping and understanding about taking care of others who are unable to do what they once could.    

After that I was really tired!   When we got home there was a message that Josh’s car was done.  Well at least it has breaks now.   The first esitmate for the body damage is 1400.00  Argh!   Then I took a quick shower before making supper.  

My evening was pretty relaxing.  I was so tired from cleaning at my in laws.   I poped in a movie I rented from the library and paid bills and worked on my our budget.   I watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.   Pretty good chick flick……then enjoyed an early bedtime!


I was up early since I couldn’t sleep.  Not a big deal, plenty I want to do today and I can take a nap in the afternoon if need be.   I actually have not taken one nap since being off this week.   That is unusual.   

I did follow my new revised morning routing this morning and it worked out pretty good.   I started an hour early, but was done in the allotted time.   Now to try it when I get up at 6:00 instead of 5:00.     Today I will work on getting my bedtime routine revsed and give that a try starting tonight.  I still need to come up with a different morning routine for Preschool days, T and TH. 

Jen’s Morning Routine – M, W, F

6:00 – Get Up/ Make Bed
6:15 – Start Toast/Start Load of Laundry/Get Pop
6:30 – Devotions/Breakfast/Meds

Computer Time until 6:45

6:45 – Shower/Dress/ Make-up
7:00 – Wake Erik
7:15 – Dress Tommy
7:30 – Fold Laundry
7:45 – Dishes Away

Coats on at 8:00 and out the Door
 We will see how this goes…..so far this morning it worked great!   I might switch my shower and computer time around, I will have to see how it goes once everyone is trying to get ready at the same time. 


Josh will be getting up and taking his car to get two more estimates on the body work needing to be done.  Then I will hopefully have him drop it off somewhere today to get the work started.    This is all out of pocket since I only had liability insurance on it.   YIKES!!

Erik will be working on homework.  He has a very large project that he neglected to mention to anyone.  Though I am a bit disappointment that the school didn’t inform us better on it as well.   A heads up would have been nice.  He thinks he might have already had a month to work on it.  

Tommy will be going to his last day of daycare for the year.   Daycare is closed on Friday.   Some might wonder why if I am home, Tommy has been going to daycare.  Well that is easy, I have to pay for the week anyways so I figure I will use the time to do some tasks that need doing with out his help, like clean for my in-laws.    

Me – I will have to skip walking at the mall toady, since Josh will be gone getting estimates and I don’t like to leave Erik alone much.    I will try to fit in walking on our treadmill.   Today I plan on finishing declutter my bedroom, washing the curtains, dusting and stuff.  Then I will straighten the kitchen cupboards.  That is all I have planned.   I do have to stop off at the library and post office after dropping off Tommy.   The rest of the day might include a nap or reading if I get the kitchen and bedroom done.  


All our kids and my hubby will be home tomorrow and I really don’t what I have planned.

Well, hubby is up and leaving for work.   I am going to start cleaning in my bedroom, I guess since Tommy is still sleeping.   Since we don’t have to be at daycare at any specific time I let him sleep as long as he likes.    

Have a great day!

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