Hello Everyone…..here is a quick run down of the last two days.  I am really tired so ready to head to bed!


The drive to and from Duluth went fine.  I took my client out to eat and then returned him to school and left Duluth.   The visit went fine.   One the way home I made my usual stop at Tanger Outlet Mall.   I only ever go to two stores.  The Carter and Old Navy outlets.   I found one pair of PJ’s for Tommy at Carters.    At old Navy I hit there clearance racks and picked up a number of shirts for Erik and Tommy for $3.97 each.    Hoodies were only 9.00 each so I bought a few for school next year.   I try to do my school shopping throughout the year so I am not hit so badly in September.  

Friday evening, hubby went out and Tommy and I played for the evening.  He wants to always sit in the dark and look at the Christmas Tree.  


We tried to get out of the house quickly and get stuff done since I had a lot of cooking to do today.   Never seem to actually make it out when I want…..have you met my hubby??  ARGH!!   Anyway……they we were off and running.

First stop…………..Bank and Target to return a shirt

Then…….Groceries at Aldi

Stop by Goodwill and make a donation……..

Then to Rainbow to finish up the Grocery Shopping….

Stop at Sam’s Clubs for plates, pull-ups and Cocoa ingredients…..

FINALLY most of the shopping done…..Off to Have Tommy’s Picture taken with Santa and his live reindeer.  The White Bear Business provided a complimentary picture with Santa.  We have to pick up the picture next week.  The live reindeer was pretty cool…..his name was Cupid and Tommy thought he was cool!  

Then we went to the Library and liquor store…….finally home!!

I made a quick lunch and then got Tommy down for his nap.   While Tommy napped I made Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake and the dough for my Fudgy Mint Cookies.   I made 9 dozen of the mint cookies and about 12 dozed on the Christmas Peanut Butter Cup Cookies.   Finally I made my Christmas Cheese Ball and cleaned up the dishes.   I have been working in the kitchen for about 6 hours today.  YIKES!!   

I am pretty ready for the party tomorrow.  I just need to clean up a bit and decorate and get my good dishes out etc.    I need to make the meatballs tomorrow in the crock pot and that is it!!   

I am ready for a good nights sleeps…………GOOD NIGHT!!

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