Saturday Evening…..

What  a peaceful day this has been.   The TV has been off all day.   Josh is at work as so the house isn’t full of kids.    Tommy took a good nap and is up now and playing with Daddy on the computer.   I spent about an hour enjoying the quiet of my living room and finished my book for book group.  

The Night Flying Woman: An Ojibway Narrative – Ignatia Broker – 3/5

Next up….Finish  The Da Vinci Code – I put this book down when I needed to read some other things for book group, so I am going to hopefully finish that this weekend too.   Next up in Book Group for December is Christmas Carol by Dickens for the holidays.  

Now I need to go and clean up the kitchen for a bit and figure out some supper!    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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