Hey everyone!   Well 1/2 way through another week.  For me today is the end of my work week this week.  YEAH!!  I do have to work about 2.5 hours tomorrow from home, but that is not much.   Friday is a governmental Holiday.  YEAH!!    I am so looking forward to a quiet restful weekend!


My ribs are starting finally to feel a little better!  YEAH!   I worked yesterday from 9:00am to after 9:30 pm.  And I wasn’t in much pain.  I got a lot done and it felt great.   I got home and hubby had all the kids in bed except for Tommy who always waits for Momma.  I read him one story and he was drifting off to sleep during it.  

I finally figured out my checkbook last night and looked at how we were doing with our savings plan.  Since we have budgeted all our savings, it really has helped us out a lot.   I am not sure if I shared before how we have been doing our savings, but it has worked out great!    I have saved 600.00 for Christmas shopping which we will be doing on Friday.   I also budget $300.00 a month to cover unexpected expenses, which we don’t often actually have to use.  This has given us a good picture of what we have and allowed us make a loan to hubby’s parents when they need it without a problem.  What a blessing. 

Looks like we might be helping out my SIL and BIL by giving them my old GEO prizm.   They are in need of a different car for a bit.  I am looking forward to getting it out of our driveway.   A blessing to us and them!  Life is good. 


Took my time getting to work this morning.  I did a load of laundry and put Erik’s clothes away.   I also did some more research on all the book titles you all gave me for Erik.  I have reserved a lot of book for him at the library to take a look at.   The Dragon Slayers Academy Series by Kate McCullan – looks very promising.  There are 15 books in the series so I think if he likes these, Santa will buy a few more of them.  Until I get to the library on Saturday I am going to have him read the Magician’s Nephew since I have the set of Narnia books.  He isn’t too thrilled about them, but oh well.   He needs to take something to his mother’s over the weekend to read.  The library will be closed on Friday so I can’t get them for him early. 

Took Tommy to daycare and then headed to work.  I stopped at the dollar tree to purchase some Thanksgiving Napkins, but they were out already….OOPS…waited too long.  So I bought my Christmas paper goods we will be needing.    I also bought 5 more workbooks for Tommy.  He is going through about 5 a month.  He loves to do his “homework”.   I bought the same printing one three times…he likes to wok on writing his letters so much.   We have moved up to some Kindergarten workbooks since he likes them so much.  I also signed up him at Book Adventures online to take the kindergarten comprehension tests.  I reserved some books at the library for him and will do the Book Adventure thing with him too.  It is the coolest site! Check it out!  I am always telling teachers at IEP meetings about it. 

My last IEP meeting today is at 2:45 and then I will be heading home.  We are having supper at church and going to our classes.  I hope Tommy will separate from me. 


I am home and want to sleep in a bit.  I still have to get up and get Erik moving and to the bus stop on time.  He gets too distracted to accomplish this on his own yet.   Maybe some day!  Tommy is going to daycare after school and I will get groceries and make my Christmas gift Inventory.   I have a lot of gifts already bought and on Friday the last will be purchased.  I hope to wrap them all over the weekend and be ready for the holidays!  

A long weekend is really needed by us…………..

3 thoughts on “WEDNESDAY UPDATE…….

  1. Us too!

    I just clicked your link and it’s not quite right.  I think there’s some kinda Xanga weirdness in with your link addy.  I found the website, though, thank so much!  I’ve been hearing about this program for years and never remembered to check it out!

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