Monday Update……..

Finally I have some time to post. Well sort of…I am at work still, my supper is heating in the microwave so I have a few minutes.  I just got back from my afternoon appointments.  I am really tired and my ribs hurt alot so I don’t think I will be working as late as I had planned.   I have two things I have to get done though before I go home.

Weekend Recap –

Saturday – Hubby and I were at the Alpha Retreat at church from 9:30 until 5:00.  We stayed for the entire time.   It was good.  I am glad we went.  It is hard to give up so much of your day though.  Josh and Amy babysat for us.

SUNDAY – We went to church early to check out their new brunch.  It was ok.   Then we went to service.  I didn’t even try to put Tommy into nursery.  He went to service with us.  He does fine.  He sits with his “homework” and is content.  Then we came home for a bit and returned to have our family pictures taken at 1:00.  I had Christmas Card made too…..I am glad I have that all done.  We get our family pictures taken every year for our Christmas cards.  Then it was home for naps…..AAAAAH….that was great!   The evening was spent cleaning around the house and doing laundry.  I made an one point soup that I will be eating this week.   Tommy and I played “old Maid” and just hung out for the evening.  

Today I got to work a little later than planned.  I am in so much pain in the morning it takes a bit to get moving.  That is how it is after a long day of sitting too….I forgot my ID badge so I had Josh drive to my office to bring it.   Gotta love that boy! 

I went to my weight watchers meeting and then was out doing homevisits all afternoon.  I just returned to the office now.  Well I am off to eat some supper and get my two things done so I can go home!  My ribs are killing me!!!!!!!

My week is pretty busy again…….

Tuesday – working late again

Wednesday – Church

Thursday – working from home – 2.5 hours only – get groceries

Friday – HOLIDAY – OFF – Dr Appointments in the morning and then hubby and I will be doing our major Christmas Shopping and out to lunch.  This is our second annual Veteran’s Day Shopping spree.   IT is great……we get all our shopping out of the way so we can enjoy the holidays!

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