Morning….yep I am off to a late start today.   I stayed in bed after I woke up and finished my book.  LOL!!   It was nice.  My back was hurting a lot when I woke, so I laid on the heating pad and read until 10:00. 


House of Spirits and Whispers by Annie Wilder – 4/5
This book was written by a friend of one of my book group members.  It is a true story of the haunted house she lives in.  This make it much more interesting.   I can’t figure out which friend in the book is the member of our book group.   Names had been changed. 


Tommy seems to be feeling better.  It was nice to be home yesterday though.  I got a few things done around the house.  I made a nice supper for the family.  We had grilled Chicken,  Baked Rice and Chinese Cabbage Salad.   Everyone loved it all.   After supper we went to Aldi and got groceries for the week.  I had to stock up on alot of things since I didn’t buy much last week.   I will update my online menu today as well.   (DONE)

I put away all the groceries and washed dishes.  Josh went to a bonfire at a friends house and Erik is at his mom’s.  Hubby made cookies and then we went to bed.  I was pretty tired!  I didn’t even hear Josh come home last night.  The nicest things is I can trust he will come home when I asked him to.  He is a good boy!   I only pray the other two boys are such easy teenagers. 


I stayed in bed until 10:00 to finish my book then got up and showered.   Hubby went to get gas for the lawnmower.  The neighbor is coming over to aerated our lawn.   After he is done with that we will got to the library and run a few other errands.  

Library – DONE
Target – Jacket, Earring Backs- DONE
Bread Store – DONE
Present for my sister- DONE
Complete Minutes for Church
Make Lambs for Baptisms – DONE
Cook Hamburger for Future Meals – DONE
Cook Onions for Future Meals

SUPPER:  Alfredo Chicken Pizza, Salad, Orange Slices


Church in the morning and would love to take Tommy to the apple orchard to walk around a bit.   Not much planned for the day I really want a quiet weekend.  I need it I have been feeling pretty stressed lately with work and stuff.

READING:  Next book I will be starting……….

Confessions of a Slacker Wife – Muffy Mead-Ferro

LISTENING TO:  The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown


0 thoughts on “

  1. I slept in this a.m. until 9:30! it felt great to do so. During the week i have to wake up at 5:30. That next book on your list to read sounds really interesting you will have to let me know if it is a good read. 🙂 have a wonderful weekend!

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