Good Morning.   It is my day off…YEAH!!   I am so happy about that.   I will have Tommy home with me all day since my SIL is going to the funeral today. 


Hubby picked up my license plates for the van.  Thank you!   Then I came home and our neighbor boy, Charlie watched Tommy for us while Josh was finished mowing for the neighbors.   We went to the wake.    My little niece kept going up to the casket.  She really didn’t understand all this.  I left the wake with three extra children in tow.    My nieces and nephew slept over.   I thought my nephew would have trouble with this, as change can be a problem.  He has Aspergers.   But he was the easiest one to get to sleep.   Tommy and my youngest niece both tried to sleep in bed with hubby and I.   Once my niece fell asleep hubby put her into Tommy’s bed.   Tommy slept with us, surprise, surprise….he was a very restless sleeper last night so a lot of moving around and kicking all night.  

So 6 kids fed and put to bed by around 10:00. 


Everyone is starting to wake up.  Josh has left for school.   Erik is up and showered.  Nick (nephew) has been up since like 5;00.  YIKES!   The other three are still sleeping.  I am going to let them sleep until about 8:00 and then I have to get them up.   Their parents are coming to get them at 9:00.   The funeral is at 11:00.   I won’t be able to go since I have Tommy all day.  I don’t want to take him. 

Today I need to go and get Josh’s Senior Pics.  Otherwise Tommy and I are just going to hang out.   Erik is suppose to stay after school tonight so we will see if he does.   He didn’t last week, when he was suppose to.  Tonight is Church…so no cooking for me. 

Have a great day…I better get going I have three more kids to get up. 

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