Morning….it is a deary, rainy day here in Minnesota!


I ended up not working late last night since we decided to go test drive a Toyota Echo.   It is way too much of an economy car for me.   It just isn’t me….I agreed to down grade my vehicle….but not that far!  I also tried a Toyota Corrolla (ok) and a Honda Accord (ICK).    I didn’t like either of them enough to buy them.  I still need to look around a lot more.   The place called around for a bid on my truck and would only offer me $4,000.00 for it.  ARE YOU CRAZY??   I will try to sell it on my own for a while before I will give it away like that.   I have a very decked out truck!  I love it and don’t want to get rid of it to begin with so I will not give it away for $4000.00.   My hubby is going to drive the truck from now on so I don’t put some many miles on it before we sell it.  We will begin the adventure of trying to sell it on our own.   Never have done that before …so we will see how that goes.   

We got home and Erik said his homework was done…..which it wasn’t!   I let hubby deal with that and I went to my committee meeting at church.   He had nearly two more hours of homework.   He said he handed in the assignement and it was in his bag undone.  

Tommy and I got ready for bed and read a few books and worked on his letters until we fell asleep.  


I am heading to Duluth for work.  I hate this drive.  I will hopefully get alot more of my book on tape done.   Four hours of driving always gets alot of a book done.   I hope this is a fairly uneventful meeting, though I don’t think it will be.   I get so tired driving home from Duluth.  I usually have to stop and walk around the outlet mall a bit so I can stay awake for the rest of the drive home.   They have a nice Old Navy store and a Kitchen Store…wish they had a book store though!

I am waiting to shower until Erik heads to the bus.  He needs verbal prompt to leave at the correct time.  If I shower he will forget to go.   Then I will take  Tommy to Preschool for his field trip.  It is raining so maybe they will cancel the trip to the apple orchard??  Hmm…We will see. 

Not sure what time I will get home tonight…hubby is working overtime until 10:00.   So Josh is watching the kids for us.  He is a great kid…we are SOOOO lucky!


Work….church…..not much else going on.    

READING – East of Eden – John Steinbeck
LISTENING TO:  Baker Towers:  – Jennifer Haigh

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