We had our family birthday celebration.   We celebrated my Dad’s, my BIL’s, and Erik’s Brithday.   I made Ice Cream Cake and Cherry Cheese Cake.   We ordered Papa John’s Pizza and watched the football game.   It was alot of fun.  Everyone was gone by 7:00 or so.   I took a bath and went to bed early.  Tommy and I both fell alseep early.  It was a great weekend.  My parents came from South Dakota to celebrate with us! 

It was great to spend some time with them.  They will hopefully come back next month for Tommy’s Birthday. 


Today I am working late.   I am hoping to be in the office all day today and complete alot of paperwork and things!!   I will work until at least 7:00 tonight. 


Tommy has preschool tomorrow so I will go into work later.   I will work late as I have some site visits to complete. 


MONDAY – work 9-7
TUESDAY – Tom has Preschool – work 10-7
WEDNESDAY – Chiropractor Appointment and Church at 5:00.  Our class for Alpha will begin!  Yeah!
THURSDAY – Tom Preschool – working until 12:00 – home to prepare for my book group to come over at 6:30.
FRIDAY – work 9-4

SUPPER – Hamburger Helper and Veggie – (Hubby Cooking)


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