Trying to eat a quick lunch before my next meeting of the day.  YAWN!!   Another busy day!   But sitting in meetings make me so tired!   


Yesterday was just a nice day.  Josh and the carpool girls came home and unloaded all my Sam’s Club purchases.  They all hung out at the house for a while.  Erik came home and did great riding his bike with his friends.   He brought 4 friends home with him so we had a house full!  I love it!   Our house is so busy, but I love how alive it feels!  

Then my BIL came over and dropped off my niece, didn’t realize we were babysitting.  SIL said she told hubby the night before…LOL!!  Usually they tell me since hubby tends to forget.  He couldn’t recall being told she was coming.  My FIL dropped my nephew off after OT.   So we have 7 for supper.   I did a little scrambling, but everyone got fed.    We are now eating at our larger dining room table more often as the kids have friends over and stuff too.   I am trying to clear it off each night.  It is where I fold clothes and my laptop is on there.  

Hubby did homework with Erik most of the evening.  Amy went to Loaves and Fishes to feed the homeless.  Josh didn’t feel like going.  I think Josh and Erik will go next month.   I got a few loads of laundry done and cleared off the dining room table.  I cooked up 3 pounds of chicken and froze what I didn’t use to make supper.   


Erik and Josh were both up early this morning!  WOW.  Erik was so excited to ride his bike to school he was up, showered and ready for school before 7:00.   I hope that continues…LOL!!  Tommy and I sort of took it slowly this morning, but got to daycare in plenty of time.  

I had a school observation this morning.  I love doing school observations!   I looked in to monitor a little 2nd graders IEP.  That age is so cute!   This afternoon I have a mandatory section meeting and then I will race off to meet my family at church.  

Tonight is Erik’s first night of confirmation.   His friend Josh S is in his small group with him so he is happy about that.   My Josh will be at confirmation tonight too….he is a Jr Guide.  It is his last year with his group as they will be confirmed.    I was wondering if he would sign up for another 3 year commitment or not, but didn’t ask.  Last night Josh said he will start with a 6th grade group again next year so I guess he will be continuing to teach.   Erik will be so very happy about that.  He was upset that Josh couldn’t be his guide this year.  

We were teasing Josh about his MCA’s last night.  It is a math test the kids take in MN. We had just gotten his results in the mail.  He did very well, all sections were well above the state average.  He even scored a 100% on a section.  LOL!  What a geek!   But he is a smart geek!  No really, we are very proud of him. 

The van still is not starting so it will probably need to be towed to the garage.  ARGH!!   Someday we will be able to get rid of that thing!  I can’t wait.


Work….homevisits and chiropractor.

SUPPER:  Eating at church tonight before class.

GRATITUDE:  Good Friends….wonderful boss.


Just finished (FINALLY) – Leap of Faith – Queen Noor – 4/5

Started – Second Glance – Jodi Picoult

Reading – East of Eden – Steinbeck

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