I had to laugh…..WisconsinMom Commented that I should teach a class in organization. Actually one of my friends has a life coaching business and wants me to assist in organizing mom’s! I would love to do it….but I really can’t take that kind of time away from my children, though the extra money would be helpful. Maybe at a later date I will teach a few classes. She wants me to teach on household organization and finance. Both topics I have alot of ideas about.
Today I finally had to buy a seaparate planner for home. I tried to keep everything on my work calnedar, but it is getting too crazy. I bought a Monthly/Weekly Student planner to use at home. In the monthly section I have all our family committments, school, medical and church, etc. I color code it by person as well with highlighters. I list appointments I need to make and family birthdays. I will now take that info off my work calendar.
In the weekly section I jot myself notes for the day. Like if I made a phone call about something insurance, bills, etc. I write who I talked to and what was said. I need better Doc of that stuff. I also jot down a note of things I need to do, calls to return. I also plan on putting all Erik’s assignment due dates, etc. so we can plan on those. I will call the homework hotline each night for him and I will write everything down in the family planner for his classes.
On my work calendar I still have to keep my personal and business appointments so I don’t double book, but at least some of the more personal details don’t have to take up space.
I will probably carry this family planner with me in my briefcase as well. I have everything that is on it at home on the wall calendar that the kids and hubby follow.
Adding one more child to my family has increased my need to be organized since he will need help with homework and my oldest hasn’t needed any help in years. I still have a few more things I want to get together. I plan on taking the first two days of school off to be home when the boys get home, so I will work on organizing paperwork and stuff then! I have a hard time keeping control of paperwork! I plan on doing better with that this year.
I agree with WisconsinMom about you being so organized! I wish I was! That is a gift! : )
Wow…I wish I was too! Congratulations on your weight loss this week!
your site is really nice. i like the recipe collection that you have. i just recently organized my recipes onto 3×5 cards and placed them in a handy binder. but that’s as organized as i get.