Sorry I haven’t updated much…been busy visiting with me mother and stuff.   We are taking her back today.     It was great having her with us. 


My day off……so I got up and took Tommy to school.   Then I ran some errands.    Mom and I went to look at book at 1/2 price books and I took some checks into Health Partners.  Hopefully I have his dental bills all straightened out until the next appointment he has.   Then we picked up Tommy from his last day of daycamp at church.    We then rushed off to pick up Josh’s Senior Pictures in Fridley.   I just love the outdoors ones.  I will post some later for you to see… boy looked so nice.

THen we waited for Erik’s mother to come get him.  After Erik was gone we went to get groceries.   We went to Aldi, Rainbow and the bread thrift store. 

I did cook up 6 pounds of ground beef and froze it for future meals.  

I think that was most of our day……can’t remember anymore!   I had gotten Tommy to go to bed early and I read my book for some of the evening and finished it.


 Tommy woke up early!  We went to the Farmer’s market and the library!    After lunch Tommy took a nap and my mother and I went through some clothes from the garage for my niece and took three garbage bags to good will as well.    Then we went shopping in goodwill and I found a couple of great deals!   Gotta Love that!    Found a new Spring jacket for Erik.  I hope it fits him other wise my nephew Nick will wear it.   I found shoes and a book for Josh.   I also found a pretty serving bowl, some glasses and a oil decanter for myself.   I bought three books of course too!    My book shelf is overflowing!!  I must get busy reading my own books instead of the ones from the library for a while.  

Afer Goodwill I came home and made some supper.   We had Mexican Rice Skillet and corn on the cob which was pretty good.   I had some pinto beans in the slow cooker that I cooked and bagged up and froze.   

Kristen my neice came over to play until about 9:00 or so.    My mother and I took apart the rest of my dining room chairs so I could finish refinishing them.   I have two done and four left to recover.     We did go and look at paint samples for my living room.   I want to paint an accent wall.    I als ofound new rugs at Home Depot for my living room too.   I want to have a few things done before Josh’s graduation open house!  

I layed down with Tommy for a bit until he fell asleep and then I got up and read my new book for a bit.   I think Immax3 recommended it and so far I really am liking the characters.   It is a mystery by Earlene Fowler called Delectable Mountains.


This morning I am going to cook up a bag of onions and green peppers for the freezer.   I have all the items recommended by MENUS4MOMS to have in the freezer.   I used the cooked ground beef last night and it was really easy and convenient.  I also have to cut up our purchases from the Farmer’s Market and put in the fridge.  

We ahve to leave at about 11:30 and return one of my purchases from goodwill last night.   Then we are going to take my mother back to meet my dad in Hutchinson.   So it is another busy day for us.   


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