Morning…….it is sort of quiet here, though hubby and Tommy and starting to wake up.  Last night my neice babysat and we were over at my SIL’s.  We had a nice time.   I ate WAY too many brownies.  I will have to take a few walks this weekend.   My BIL, Steve came home with us and spent the night.  Hubby will take him back home later this afternoon.    We will go to the library and half price books first.  

Josh called last night and they made it to the camp site ok.   I hope he has a great time!  Luckily one of them had jsut turned 18 since you have to be 18 to get a camp site.   I am a bit worried, but I know he will have fun.  

Not much going on today…chores around the house and reading most likely.   Hope everyone came enjoy a relaxing day!!!

One thought on “

  1. The brownies sound yummy!  I know how you feel about eating too many!  We bought ice cream last night & I don’t know when to stop eating it!  : )

    Saying a prayer for your son & friends’ safety & that they have a good time.

    Have a nice day! : )

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