Today has been a nice relaxing day so far.   We (hubby, Steve, Tommy and I) got up and went to the Farmer’s market.   Got some great produce.  YUMMY!!!   It is fun to just walk around there.  We went to a few garage sales.   Then we went to the library and half price books.   I was able to buy most of the books for my mom at half price.  YEAH!!  

While driving we were talking with my BIL, Steve about how things were going etc.   He hasn’t been able to really afford the trailer home he is living in since the divorce and she left him with the entire debt.    So we made the offer that he could sell the trailer and move in with us until he can save money to buy a car and rent an apartment.   So we picked up some info on the bus to see if he could get to work from here, etc.    We have one extra bedroom that has been our computer room.    So eventually we have to figure out how to dispers the computers throughout the house and we will most likely have Steve live with us for a while.  I think we will end up having one huge garage sale and downsizing in our home.  I am all for it!!  The less the better to me!  So that will be five guys living here and me….I am forever out numbered!  This will be a very good thing for my BIL to help him get back on his feet.   When hubby was growing up there was 7 people living in this house…so we can handle 6 no problem. 

I am off to read until it is time to make supper….hope you all are having a great weekend!

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