I’m ON VACATION!!!  I slept in until after 8:00 this morning!  YEAH!!   

I called to set up a time to look at the van we wanted to buy and it was sold last night.  What a bummer……now we have to be looking for another van again.  ARGH!!   It just didn’t work out to look it earlier since I had to work late, etc. 

I am off to take Tom to daycare and run errands.  Later!

2 thoughts on “

  1. Yes, have a great vacation and something will work out with getting a new vehicle!  I’m not sure if you’ve seen my posts or not but we may be moving out your way soon!  My husband has an interview in Hutchinson, MN this weekend; I’m so excited and I sooo badly want for him to get this job.  Praying God’s will! 

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