I am relaxing a bit before taking Erik to the dentist.  I have had a productive day.  I went to the bread thrift store, Sam’s and Target this morning.  Then I rolled those older two boys out of bed!   I think they stayed up a bit late last night.  Josh made us some great sandwiches for lunch.  Then it was time to do our chores. 

Erik is always a great helper and gets his chores done quickly.  Josh is slow as molasses.  But they are all done!   We divided Dad’s chores between the three of us and those are done too.  

I have some shrimp marinating in the fridge for supper.  I think I will end up making ramen for Erik if he even wants to eat after having his teeth removed.  I am taking him to the library to rent two movies to watch tonight while he is recooperating tonight. 

Well I need to switch around laundry and do lunch dishes before we head to the library.   Have a great day!  


This marinade is suppose to be for chicken but I am trying it tonight on shrimp.  Should be good!  

2 cloves chopped garlic
4 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons chopped Parsley
3 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
1/8 Teaspoons pepper


5 thoughts on “

  1. I’m so glad you are on vacation!!

    Sounds to me like Erik has done a lot of growing up this past year. He doesn’t seem to be having as much of an adjustment period that he normally does.

    That is so exciting that he is leading in the reading contest.

    He is blessed to have you for a step-mom! That is probably the most under rated role out there.

    Thumbs up!!

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