It is getting harder and harder to keep up with my blog.   I have a few minutes while my supper is cooling off.   OUCH, I burnt my tongue!   I nuked it a bit too much!   Life is going well.   I have to say work is great….home is great.  The kids are great.   I love June!   Today is my last day of work.  I am doing 12 hours, but then I am off until July 11th!  YEAH!!!   We are going to SD over the weekend, but the rest of the time I will be home with my boys. 

Josh came home on Sunday from his mission trip in MIssissippi.  He had a good time.  They painted about 6 houses and did a kids club as well.   Erik has been glued to Josh of course.   He is very happy that Josh is home again. 

Monday was a late night for me, so by the time I got home Tommy was already in bed and I went straight there myself.  I didn’t do very well at weigh in on Monday at Weight Watchers….I am not happy about that.  They increased my predisone dosage, which has really increased my appetite this time.  Not helpful for weight loss. 

   Today will be another late night.   I need ot finish up a few things at the office before being gone on vacation.  I hate leaving loose ends.    Darn..the electricity jsut went out at my office again!  ARGH…I might not be working late tonight after all.  I will keep typing here and hope the electricty come back on!!  

And there was light!!!!!   Hey…all I had to do was type that sentence and I have light.  YEAH!  

Tomorrow I am sleeping in!   I told the daycare provider I wouldn’t have Tommy there until I woke up.  LOL!!   In the late afternoon poor Erik needs to have some teeth pulled in preparation for his braces.   

Well I suppose should get back to work before we loose electricity again. 


FireWifeMom – PDD is prevasive developmental disorder, it is on the autism spectrum.  I have autism related diagnoses on my hubbys side and now my side of the family as well.  

IMMAX3 – Hey..welcome back!   What book are you reading for book group this month???   We are reading Anna Karenina both for June and July.  I must admit I had to go to the library and get it on tape as I was having a time reading it.  It is very slow going.   I hope to read something a bit more fun on vacation.  I am almost done with Drowning Ruth, which isn’t bad, has some slow parts.  

WISCONSONMOM –  I am not reading much lately.  The kids are keeping me very busy.    I do a little reading competition with the boys and so far Erik is winning!!   I need to make more time to read.  But so far this summe I have read the following……


The Things They Carried – Tom O’Brien – 3/5

Never Change – Elizabeth Berg – 4/5

Vanishing Act – Jodi Picoult – 4/5

Until They Bring the Streetcars Back – Stanley Gordon West – 4/5

Being Perfect – Anna Quindlen – 3/5



To Have and To Hold – Jane Green – 3.5/5

The Namesake – Jhumpa Lahiri – 4/5

The Everything Budgeting Book –


Back to work…..later all!!!  Have a great evening!

4 thoughts on “

  1. I don’t think I could listen to books on tape & get anything out of it!  If someone reads me something they want an answer about, I have to read it myself to understand what they’re asking….  Have a great vacation!  ~Lori

  2. I don’t think I could listen to books on tape & get anything out of it!  If someone reads me something they want an answer about, I have to read it myself to understand what they’re asking….  Have a great vacation!  ~Lori

  3. Yeah, vacation!

    Anna Karenina?  Whoo, that’s rough!  How’d you Vanishing Act?  I’ve only read one of her books and it was confusing toward the end.  We’re reading some historical fiction murder mystery.  I forget the name, but you’ve probably read them.  They’ve been out a while and there’s a series.  Obviously I haven’t started it yet.  I’m going to read the week we meet because if I don’t, I won’t remember anything it’s about!

    Welcome back!

  4. Yeah, vacation!

    Anna Karenina?  Whoo, that’s rough!  How’d you Vanishing Act?  I’ve only read one of her books and it was confusing toward the end.  We’re reading some historical fiction murder mystery.  I forget the name, but you’ve probably read them.  They’ve been out a while and there’s a series.  Obviously I haven’t started it yet.  I’m going to read the week we meet because if I don’t, I won’t remember anything it’s about!

    Welcome back!

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