Get ready for a picture intense blog….LOL!!    


We waited for Erik’s mom to come and pick him up and then we headed out of town.  It took us forever to get out of the city due to traffic.  It took us 1.5 hours longer to get here than anticipated.  We checked into our room and headed to my sister’s house for supper and to visit. 

My great nephew, Mason.  He is 2 years old.  He is so cute.  He isn’t talking yet but is beginning to use some sign language.   He has PDD. 

Mason and Tommy playing.

My neice, Missy.   She is Mason’s Mommy.  She is due with her second son in August.



We got up and enjoyed a great free breakfast at the motel.  Then Mason and Missy came over to go swimming before the wedding. 

Tommy in the little raft Mason brought over. 

For lunch we went to Space Aliens.  It is a restaurant that looks like Pizza Planet in the Toy Story movie.  Tommy’s all time favorite movie.  He loved the place and the food was pretty good!



Sitting with the alien!


Tommy had an martian drink.  WOW was that sweet.

Tommy is in the corner climbing like he is Spiderman.

WOW…the space alien game like in the movie Toy Story!

Tommy’s space lunch.  A grill cheese sandwhich and a rocket of french fries.


Mason and Tommy chilling until time for the food to be served.

Jesse (my nephew and the groom) and Tommy.

Tommy eating his cupcake!


My family that was at the wedding…

My bro, Dan, My dad, Me with Tommy in front of me, My Mom and my sister Doreen.

Mom, Tommy, Me and Doreen.

Your lucky I posted these pictures…I always HATE every picture of myself!

On the way home from the wedding, Tommy fell asleep and I took a little nap as well.  Now we are waiting for my sister, and Mason and Missy to come over and go swimming.  The pool is open until 11:00 so we should have plenty of time to swim yet. 

I have done TERRIBLE on my eating this weekend.  I am not looking forward to my weigh in on Monday.  It will not be good!  Eating out and weddings do that to you!   Starting next Wednesday I am on vacation and we are leaving on Friday to go to my Mom and Dad’s house in South Dakota. 


5 thoughts on “

  1. These are great photos! Thanks for sharing them. What is PDD? My son will be 3 in Nov. and has 17 words. He knows a couple of signs as well. Have a good night.

  2. It is hard to eat healthy when you are eating out all the time. 

    You look great in the pohotos, but I know what you mean, I hate every photo of myself and always feel like I look so fat!  I love the blouse you wore to the wedding!!

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