Another day….seems like I just left work and I am back again.  Today should go pretty quickly since I only have to work 8 hours.   I am staying pretty on top of my work load so not alot to do.   Have a few phone calls to make, two reports to update and one homevisit today.   I am going on vacation starting June 29th and won’t return to work until July 11th.    Our daycare provider is on vacation that week, so I will stay home with my boys.   We are going to visit my family in South Dakota over the July 4th weekend, otherwise I will be home with the boys.   I hope we can do some things.  

MISSION: Wipe Down Bedroom Windows
15- De-Clutter
Anti – Pro Item :  Get my Summer Clothes out!
Fin. Home Blessing
Laundry – Darks
Bed Time Routine

SUPPER:  Tacos

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