Morning…….looks like a nice day in Minnesota today!   The sun is out!   Laundry is started and I am finishing up my breakfast.   I have about 4 more loads of laundry to do today and then I will be all caught up for the first time in a few weeks.  

I have plenty to get done before we go over to our friends house for a BBQ.    I need to straighten the toy area since my neice and Tommy really trashed it the other night when we were working on Erik’s room.   I might not get to straightening the laundry room today since I need to do the toys.  

I realized last night I needed to start my book for book group since it is a really long book and we have two months to read it, but it will take me that long to read it at least.   We are reading Anna Karenina by Tolstoy.  

Toy Area
Laundry Room/Laundry
Thaw Beans
Make Salad for BBQ

Scrub Kitchen Floor

4 to 8 – Go To CIndy and Wills for BBQ

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