Home today with a stomach bug. I got really sick last night and still not feeling very well. I hope to go to church tonight. But at least I can read the book for church a bunch today while I lay in bed.
Finally got the refund from our car insurance for Josh’s good grades. YEAH! So I finally have our emergency fund over 1,000.00. So now I can work on using an extra funds to pay extra on other bills. There will only be a little extra money until summer comes, than we will be very tight with the addition of Erik’s daycare bill of 400.00 a month not to mention the added cost of the other stuff with the kids being out of school. The savings budget plan we are using this year is very helpful. I am also going to look into consolidating our student loans to hopefully get a lower interest rate and payment on them. I might call around on that today…hmmm….we will see. I also started saving $50.00 a month towards Christmas this year. We have been keeping up with that too…so far! So I updated our budget since it is the first of the month. I need to update the family calendar as well for the month of May.
I am off to read for church for a while…..have a great day!
Oh Jen…I’m so sorry. I hate stomach bugs with a passion. I hope you’re up and around very soon. Your savings plan is awesome!
Feel better, stomach bugs are the WORST
Props to you for the financial planning and budgeting!