Where has this day gone…..work is getting in the way of my posting again! ARGh…..I have been in meetings and a retirement party since the start of work this morning. I have a report to finish and them it will be time to head home for the day! WOW….I still need to retrun calls and I am out of the office tomorrow at a conference. I am going to a conference called, “Transition Planning for Competent Adulthood: Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders”. It is an all day conference so I won’t get much office work done again. Friday is my day to work from home since Tommy has preschool. This week has flown by with me not accomplishing all I want.
Thanks to those of you that asked about my health. I think I am improving. I seem to be getting some energy back but I am still on predisone. I seem to be coughing less, but still neb at least once a day. We will see….but I am hopeful. I have to check in with the Dr next week. I am hoping that as the weather gets warmer around here my asthma will improve.
I stayed up way too late last night reading….THe “Kite Runner” is an excellant book. I would describe it as haunting in some regards, but yet compelling. I have about 6 pages left and then I will have to start something else tonight. Hmm…what to read next???? I even read today during the break time at our meeting trying to finish it up. Another person at work wants to read it!
Well off to conquer a report…….have a great day!!!
Desk work/Budget
Clip coupons
Clean Furnance Filters
Bedtime Routine
Supper tonight: Leftover meatloaf, rice and veggie!
That conference sounds interesting. There are so many things you don’t think about that you have to teach those with those issues….like how to leave a phone message on an answering machine! ARGH!
Happy reading!
glad you are doing better. I got all my coupons clipped this morning and organized, felt good. Have a great afternoon! š