Back to work today! Nice to get away, but now time to get back to our routine of life. Tommy didn’t sleep through the night last night. He was up around 3:00am and I couldn’t fall back to sleep right away after I got him to sleep. At the resrot I had Tommy sleeping in bed with us so that didn’t help with me expecting him to sleep in his room last night. I wasn’t comfortable with him sleeping downstairs at the resort. I didn’t feel comfortable not having him by me so I knew where he was. He could go out the front door as even when it was deadbolted it would open from the inside by the handle which he could do. So if he was in bed with me….I knew where he was and when he got up. I will have to post pictures from our trip later tonight!
ARGH….it also didn’t help that I stayed up until 12:00 reading. I am 3/4 done with the Kite Runner. It is a good book. I should have it done in the next day or so. It will be the sixth book I have read this month counting my books on tape. A very high number for me! I usually only manage to get through two or three a month. And believe it or not I haven’t been letting the house fall apart reading! LOL!! Not sure what I will read after Kite Runner. I think I will try and finish up some books from book group that we read last year that I didn’t finish. I got a great magazine from the library called “BookMarks”, I found a few more books in there I want to read that I will reserve at the library. I do get most of my books and books on tape from the library, expect books for my book group as I like to highlight passages and things in them to discuss. I also bought the Philippa Gregory books as they are long and I can’t read them in the 2 weeks time I can get them form the library. There are alot of reserves for them and you can’t renew them. I buy most of my book on Ebay or I did get a couple of Barnes and Noble gift certs from friends at work for my birthday and Christmas so bought a couple there this year. I usually end up buy around 20 books a year, 12 of them are for my book group. I still have to buy the book for December and we haven’t chosen on for November yet. We have a good line up for the year though! I have book group this Thursday and I am really looking forward to it. We will be discussing the first book in the Krisitn Larvansdatter series: Bridal Wreath.
I work a full day today….then tonight is our weekly cleaning night. So we will get that all done after work. Supper tonight……Meatloaf, Baked Pots, and Broccoli.
Time to change my xanga/website decor again….tired of the Valentines theme! I will have to find time to do that too!
Have a great day!
Hope you have a good day back to work! š Blessings!
Its really hard to put down a good book isnt it?
hope your day runs smoothly
There’s another book about Afghanistan that you might find interesting: The Bookseller of Kabul. More from a woman’s perspective, I think. I found both books horrifying in spots. We have such cushy lives here! And I was up until midnight finishing Citizen Girl, which I cannot recommend.
Thank you for your sweet comment regarding Sarah’s illness. She is better today.
Have a good day!