Oh yeah….I finally an off Predisone!!  I took my last dose on Friday.  So far my breathing is ok without it.  I do use inhaled steriods as well.   So this now means I have to get working on losing the weight that I gained as a side effect of being on the steriods for so long (3-months).   I love that WisconsinMomof2 posts what she eats each day. I am going through that and making my menus for the week.  I will not be making a seaparate supper for myself, but will add a salad and eat less of the entry!   But I need to plan my breakfast, snacks and lunch.  

2 thoughts on “

  1. Glad you liked my idea, posting my food actually keeps me on track for the day, because I come back to my blog often and I can see what I’m supposed to be eating.  šŸ™‚  I haven’t made too many separate dinners either and everyone else is definately eating more fruits and veggies! šŸ™‚  Blessings!

  2. Yes, Sandra is an inspiration to us all!  She seems to be doing well on her diet.  I’m glad you’re off the prednisone.  That’s not a great drug to be on.  Dust off the treadmill now and start posting what you’re going to eat!!!  Have a good evening, Jenn.  ~~  Suzanne   šŸ™‚

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