another little kink in our plans…..I went to take a shower and when I came out Tommy was sound asleep.   I am going to get ready for work and wake him up in a bit to go.  Since he has such a cold I think I will let him sleep a bit.  

2 thoughts on “

  1. It’s so hard to keep everyone healthy for the holidays, isn’t it?  I can understand with your asthma that you would try to avoid a cold like the plague!  That’s the way it is with Johnny’s Cystic Fibrosis.  What’s a cold for us is sometimes a hospitalization for him!  Have a good day at work today and I hope Tommy feels better soon! 

  2. Poor Tommy, my little guy has a sinus infection and ear infection. We had to get him another med for his coughing…albuterol (sp?) in a syrup form. Unfortunately that has kept him from taking a nap for 2 days. Trey would never just fall asleep in the living room, I wish he would. ~Happy

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