Morning….I guess it is 4am and I am wide awake. I got up with Tommy at 3:00, he has a cold and isn’t sleeping the best. I hope I can go to work tomorrow, I am suppose to return tomorrow. We will see…he has a drippy nose and cough.
The cookie exchange was alot of fun. I have 7 ladies over and 8 ladies that exchanged cookies. We chatted, had appetizers and hot cocoa whie we listened to Christmas Music. All the cookies look great. We have banana bread, 4 in 1 dough, thumbprints, dipped peanut butter sandwhiches, cranberry bars, pretzel candy, crum ka ka (sp) , and my cookies the choc orange dipped melts. A nice assortment for the holidays. I wish I would have taken pictures!
I think we are finally going to need to get a new oven. I have a 40 year old oven that is in the wall and while making cookies I had to hold the door shut braced with a broom. Not good, so I think we night use some of our tax return to get a oven, cooktop and range hood. I am not sure we will be able to swing all of it, be really need to. I also need to have a plumber come about the faucet in the bathroom. But have to wait until the tax return comes. The other expense is since the oven is so old it is not standard size and I will need to have a carpenter come in and change our cabinets to get it to fit.. What a mess. I have some money in a time account that I might use and hopefully eventually Paul gets his retirement an 401K he paid into his old job. Plus a reumbursement check for some things he bought for the company. Things take forever!!
Today I was able to buy a few more Christmas presents since I have been doing so well with my budget. I finished up Erik’s by using my 40% coupon at Joanne’s to get his scetch book and drawing book. They also have 60% off Christmas things so I got a nice spoon rest and spoon holder for my secret santa. I also bought a gift certificate for the gorcery store for my in-laws. I helps on their budget since they are on a fixed income and they really don’t need things. I too prefer to get gift certificates, especially for a book store! I am going to get them a gas card too once I get paid on Friday.
I didn’t go to my allergist appoinment on Monday, but am suppose to go today. I might have to cancel if Tommy is sick. Well I think that is it for my evening/day. I should probably get some sleep.
Tomorrow Tommy is suppose to have his first dentist appointment. It is the only night we don’t have anything going on in the evening. Wed – church, Thursday – Book Group (might skip ) Friday – nothing, Saturday – Hubby’s famiy Christmas at our house. So that will be about 25 people or more over to celebrate! It is a busy week.
I am off to try and get a little sleep, but I am not sleepy yet!
Hope your son is feeling better soon. Nice that your cookie exchange went well! 🙂 Sounded fun. do you have a good cranberry bread recipe that is TNT? Have a great day! 🙂
Yikes! I’m behind on my email. I saw that you were talking about your dh’s 401k payout. I know you know that you have to pay a pretty hefty tax on that money if you cash it out. If possible, try to roll that into a mutual fund or some other think, like an IRA. It will be much more valuable to you that way. That is just my input from what little bit I know about financial stuff (mostly from Suze Orman). You have to do what is right for you and your family, so ignore this if needs exist that warrant use of that money for something else.