Yesterday went pretty good, I made it through the day!   I got to work around 10:00 and left my office last night at about 10:30pm.    So I got my 12 hours in and got a fair amount of work done, but still ahve looming deadlines.   I wish my home was closer to the office, even at that hour it is at least a 20 minute drive home.  I got home just before 11:00 and looked at the mail, signed permission slips, layed down with Tommy and then went to bed.   I was asleep by midnight.   

I slept through the night, but Tommy got up early.   He woke up with hives again.   I am at such a losS as to what is causing him to break out.   I gave him more benedryl this morning and put on ointment.   I will have to call the peditricain today and see what he thinks.   I might try and give him Benedryl before bed tonight and see if that helps.  

Well I best get showered and about my day.   I have to work 9 hours today.   I need to be at church by 5:00 for supper and then hubby and I will be taking pics of the small groups and events going on at the church on Wednesdays for the directory.   Hubby wants me to help him with this.   It works out ok since we don’t teach our class tonight. 

I received my mileage check today so I am off to buy ink so I can finish my Christmas cards and get them mailed.    I also need to buy the tickets for Sesame Street Live.  

Have a great day!!!!!!!!

5 thoughts on “

  1. Could it be something at daycare?  If you use gentle laundry soap, I would think it would take two washings to get out fabric softener.

    Ugh, 12 hours!!  I hope you get a break soon from all this insanity.

  2. I just read on another site someones child had a rash caused by a virus. They had to give the child meds every 4 hours around the clock. You might want to check with your doctor.

  3. oh my goodness your working so much and are so busy I hope you dont burn out before the holidays really hit. I hope you find out what is wrong with Tommy soon. are ready yet for Christmas? Have gotten your tree? I havent yet so dont feel bad if you havent had time. I hope your able to slow down soon and take a good rest. I was also wondering if you might like to exchange christmas cards this year with me, I know your really busy and all but I thought I would ask since there isnt anything special here this year for us all to get on a list.If you would please just email me your addy and I will do the same thanks~!

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