INSANE DAY #3……has ended…..

I talked to the peditrician about Tommy’s hives and they said that after an exposure to an allergan you can get hives up to a week later still.  So if he has hives on Monday I will take him to the Dr.   I am going to give him Benedryl before bed for now and hope that helps.   We will see…

Work went ok to….I still have 10 more plans to write by the end of the week.  ARGH…tomorrow I am scheduled to work 12 hours so I should get a number of them done I hope!  I got out of the office a little late tonight and hubby and the kids were done eating at the church already.  I quickly ate and then hubby and I took around 70 pictures for the church directory.  It was alot of fun.    

I have three RSVP’s for my cookie exchange so far….I am pretty much ready to call it a night.  I am going to fold my last load of clothes and put Tommy to bed.  Have a good night!

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