So far this day isn’t going as planned. Argh….I have to rearrange my entire day, should be fun. NOT! I went to sleep about midnight last night, figuring 6 hours of sleep is doable, only to be up with Tommy from 2:00 until at least 4:30am. I am exhausted! So I reset my alarm and slept in until 7:00 this morning.
Tommy woke up at 2, which is normal and wanted to come to my bed. I put him in my bed and he was so agigtate and asked to go to his bed. So back to his bed we go and I needed to lay with him. He was itching his wrist and hands alot so I put some medicine on that. He has ezcema and gets it bad on his hands- allergic to soap. He was still really jumpy and said he itches. Finally he says his back itches. OK..OK…I get up again and get his medicine. I take his jammies down to see he is covered with hives. No wonder he is jumping out of his skin. So I give him some benedryl and put more ointment on the hives.
I changed his pj’s because I am sure with the crazy week it has been hubby and I both have been doing laundry. I am sure either he or I either used our detergent or a fabric softner sheet with his clothes, which will make him break out! And the jamies he had on had just been laundered.
The benedryl knocks him out so I am letting him sleep in a bit and taking him to dayare late today. I will still work late tonight, but might only get 10 hours in instead of the 12 I planned. Luckily I had not put away the load of his clothes we washed so I am rewashing this morning so he will have jammies for tonight that won’t make him break out. I think I will let him sleep until about 9:30 and then head to Daycare. Poor little guy….he has inherited all his mommies allergies. No fun at all. I sure hope he doesnt develop the asthma I have. I didn’t get it until I was 21 and I had ezcema like Tom does now, when I was little.
So that is my whining momma story for the day. THings never go quite as planned, I would never trade being “mommy” for anything in the world. The funny part is my hubby will be really tired today and complaining about my working late when he is so tired because Tommy kept him up. Mind you my hubby never got out of bed once I took care of Tommy he grunted a couple of times that is it. It always makes me chuckle. Last night when I came home and went straight to my room for a nap, he was all upset about how tired I was…..gee wondering how he will feel about tonight.
I think I hear Tommy waking up…….have a great day!
Oh, the poor little baby! And poor you! You MUST be exhausted! I hope tonight will be a better night for you.
Hope your day gets better. Hope Tommy is better soon and you have strength to get thru the day. Blessings! đŸ˜‰