Thought I would drop in a few minutes before my hectic day gets underway!  So far this morning..I have……

Accomplished so far:

  • Started Laundry
  • Folded one load of laundry
  • Paid bills/ did budget
  • Completed my work benefits enrollment
  • Took Tommy to Preschool
  • Mailed Bills
  • Fill Gas in Truck
  • Got Cash for Groceries tomorrow – Going to Aldi of course
  • Made hubby a dentist appointment

It is always a shock to do my open enrollment for benefits at work.  I am always shocked at how much my annual salary is, since it doesn’t seem like we have that much money coming in.  But then when you figure in my cost for benefits, YIKES!  I am paying over 400.00 a pay period for benefits.   That is over 800.00 a month.  WOW.  Ok…so that is where all my money goes.   Granted about 400.00 a month of that is daycare cost.   It is still sticker shock each year.  

I debated alot on my dental coverage again this year.   I think I will probably only take full dental for another 2 years and then I will be dropping down to preventative.   This year Josh had oral surgery so I know it was worth the almost 1,200.00 a year the insurance costs.  I also called the dentist and made an appointment for hubby to go to the dentist yet this year.  He hasn’t been since 2001 and needs x=rays and all that so I will get that on to this years benefit plan and then make him get the work he needs done the next two years.  After that if Tommy’s teeth seem to be good, I will go down to preventative.   If it wasn’t for the oral surgery the only things we would have had for dental cost were Josh and I had cleanings and neither of us have had cavities in years.  So that would not have been worth the 1,200.00 in premiums.  I would be better off just paying out of pocket if there was a need for anything beyond preventative. 

I never used to take disability coverage on myself either and I started doing that last year after I was in the ICU for 4 days with a severe asthma attack.  The last two years I have had some close calls (car accident this year) and since I am the main wage earning it makes sense that I should be covered.   I have to provide for my family. 

I am just very blessed that we are able to provide insurance and health care for our family, not everyone can afford these high premiums. 

It is now 10:00 and I have a few more things to get done before picking up Tommy at preschool.

TO DO in 10:00 Hour

  • Dishes
  • Laundry switched again
  • Ribs into Crokpot
  • Straighten Kitchen Counters

Then it is time to pick up Tommy, take him to daycare.  I have to meet hubby at Eriks’ psychiaitrist appointment, then head to work for the night.   I have to get in about 7 hours after the Dr appointment yet this week.  So  I am sure I won’t be home until bedtime. 

0 thoughts on “

  1. Thank you for telling me about your stepson.  I pray things will get better for him.  Sounds like lots of doctor’s appointments for him.  Poor guy. 

    Have a great day. 

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