Well tonight is church so we will be eating there no need to plan supper.  Yeah…but a busy night again. 

Hubby got home late last night from the hospital.   He had Erik doig homework form 6 to 9 and saw three episodes of staring off that were recorded.  Two were a bit odd in that after he sort of came to he said both time “I hear that baby cry”.   But there was no baby crying.   So hopefully if those episodes are seizures they will be well documented and we can figure out treatment.   Erik’s stepdad and mom also saw some during the day.   I am glad,  I was afraid we wouldn’t see any of the staring spells to see what the EEG was doing during those times.    Hubby was also amazed at how much difficulty Erik had with the curriculm stuff I sent to the hospital with him to work on.   I sent a 4th grade curriculm book and he struggled with some things that really surprised my hubby.   Erik is in the 6th grade.   Erik should get out of the hospital this morning sometime.    He has a psychiatrist appointment on Friday, then I think he will be with us for the weekend. 

I am off to shower and get ready for work. 

0 thoughts on “

  1. I’m sorry your son was in the hospital.  I had not realized it.  How long was he there for?  Is he ok?  But he’s going back? 

    I pray things will be better there for you.  I don’t know what’s going on with your son, but if ever you need to talk, you can write to me.  My son has been hospitalized about 25 times.  Sometimes you just feel like you’re on a medical merry go round. 

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